Monday, August 28

P2P Services - Comparison of AllPeers, Pando, Zapr and Exaroom

I am sure of many ways the internet being used, File sharing stands apart. I found an interesting article (in Techcrunch) on how some tools are very useful to share some large files.
Let’s Share Some Files - Four Services Compared
Here we find a comparison between four of the useful tools for sharing large files with a trusted network.
keep sharing!

Thursday, August 24

Long URL's ! - No More!

How often you email the url's of the websites to your friends?
Say while you are browsing through Amazon, eBay you found an interesting book or gadget that you want to share with your friends, and these url's will be very very long (probably running into 2-3 lines). To avoid these url's running into more than 1 line the best way is to cut short the URL. Many websites provide us with this option like TinyURL , SnapURL, URLci, URLsaw ,...
For Mozilla lovers here are few Mozilla Addons.
No more long url's!

Friday, August 4

The Ultimate Search Engine for Programmers

Ever wondered how to keep up with the latest programming languages that are getting introduced into the IT world. Pondering over it, is just the change in syntax. However the logic behind is always the same. You have the logic and if you are just looking up for some assistance in the syntax, follow Krugle - the developer’s search engine.
Search the code snippets in many languages and apply it as per your needs. Kruggle offers to search code snippets in many programming languages, projects,Tech pages, and also it looks in different areas like function definitions, comments etc!
Try out kruggle and Enjoy!