Wednesday, December 5

Ruby on Rails - Course structure

You find lot of materials, websites and many articles where you get information about Ruby and Ruby on Rails.
Well, do not get over loaded with the information. If anybody is serious about learning and practicing Ruby on Rails, can make use of the below course structure. This course structure, I had just jotted down to train freshers and friends whoever interested to know more about RoR.
Note: This structure is framed based on
  1. my experience in RoR.
  2. my previous session on RoR gathering.
If anybody is interested can contact me for more information.

Download Ruby on Rails course structure in pdf

Prerequisites for the RoR Course:
The course is structured keeping in view of less experienced/freshers in the industry. So considereable time is given for all introductory topics.
However, having knowledge/experience is an added advantage:

1. Exposure to any of the programming languages (c,c++,c#,java...)/Scripting languages(perl, php, smalltalk...).

2. Overview on how web application works.

3. Understanding of the necessity of Data models, Configuration Management.

4. Necessary tools/IDE's (Eclipse IDE, notepad...)

5. Good Analyzing skills.

6. Web Technologies (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, )

Download Ruby on Rails course structure in pdf



· What is Ruby?

· What is it used for?

· Where do I get and install Ruby?

· Core facilities, built-in library and standard library.

· Basic concepts - object orientation, regular expressions, arrays, hashes, etc.

Basic Ruby Language Elements

· Structure of statements and comments.

· Variables and constants.

· Operators. Assignments, calculations, etc. Integer, float and string formats.

· Single and double quotes, here documents, general strings.

Control Structures

· Blocks and the if statement.

· Writing conditions.

· Comparative, boolean and range operators.

· Conditionals - if, unless, case, etc. Loops - while, for in, until, etc. break, next, retry and redo. defined? and ternary operators.

Object Orientation: Individual Objects

· History - unstructured and structured code. Introduction to object oriented programming.

· Classes and methods.

· Static and nonstatic.

· Instances, constructors and destructors.

· Accessing members of a class.

· Loading and using classes.

· Direct access to variables.

· Encouraging class use.

Classes and Objects

· Objects, classes and methods.

· Constructors and attributes.

· Instance and class variables.

· Local and global variables.

· Class and object methods.

· Including files - load and require.

Collections (Arrays and Hashes) in Ruby

· What is a collection?

· Arrays and hashes.

· Constructing an array.

· Nesting arrays. Hash keys, iterators, etc.

More Classes and Objects

· Public, private and protected visibility.

· Singletons and defs.

· Inheritance mixins, and super.

· Destructors and garbage collection.

· Namespaces and modules.

· Hooks.

· Calling methods with code blocks.

· Looking inside objects - reflection.

Strings and Regular Expressions

· Anchors, literals, character groups and counts.

· Matching in Ruby.

· Modifiers i, o, x and m.

· Pattern matching variables.

Special Variables and Pseudo-Variables

· ARGV, $0 and friends - the command line.

· Other special variables from $: through $ to Other special variables from $: through $ to Other special variables from $: through $ to Other special variables from $: through $ to $<. lt;. lt;.

· Environment variables.

· Pseudo-variables.

· Reserved words in Ruby.


· begin and end (and a mention of BEGIN and END).

· Raise and rescue.

· Throw and catch.

Download Ruby on Rails course structure in pdf

Ruby on the Web

· CGI and the Ruby Apache Module.

· Using cgi.rb; URL decoding, forms, sessions, cookies, etc.

· Embedding Ruby in HTML - the <% <%= and <%# tags.

Ruby GUIs, XML, MySQL Database Connectivity

· Using Ruby/DBI to connect to MySQL, Oracle, etc.


· What is MVC Architecture?

· Importance of it?

· How it helps?


· What are WebApplications?

· Essentials of WebApplications?

· SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)

· Database Architecture

· Configuration Management (concept & tools)

· Application/Web Servers

Rails Framework

· What is Ruby on Rails?

· MVC (Model, view, controller) design principles.

· Rails structures -

o WEBrick servers,

o URLs and embedded code.

o Directory structure.

o Database connections.

· Creating the application

o the database and tables.

· First application through Scaffolds.

· Validation and customising the display.

· Adding a new controller.

· Adding viewers and layouts.

· Active Records.

· Emailing and logging from within Rails.


· What is AJAX?

Ajax on Rails

· How to implement AJAX on Rails framework?

· What is Protoype?

· What is Scriptaculous?

· Ajax Effects.

· Rich UI experience.

· Visual Effects.


Download Ruby on Rails course structure in pdf
I am open to receive any enhancement tips and open for discussion on the course structure.(tosumanthkrishna AT gmail DOT com)


Harish Kumar said...

The course structure looks good. Most of the important points were covered in the course.

One important approach to deliver a good product is to do unit testing. Unit testing can be made easy by using Rails. Apart from that if you can cover the performance related stuff it will really help the people while developing.

These are few of my comments I wanted to share.

sumanth krishna said...

Hi Harish,
Thanks for stopping by and your suggestion to add unit testing.
I would surely cover on the importance of unit testing and how Rails makes it simpler and convenient.
Sumanth Krishna. A

suma said...

hi could you please give me any Training institute details where this course training is currently being offered

sumanth krishna said...

Hi Suma,
Thanks for your interest to pick up RoR. Let me know where are you placed, and I will try to provide some apt info accordingly.

Unknown said...

Hi sumanth,
I am intrested to learn ruby on rails and can you pls suggest any websites.Currently iam in USA.Can i have your contact info.

Unknown said...

Hi sumanth,
I am intrested to learn ruby on rails and can you pls suggest any websites.Currently iam in USA.Can i have your contact info.

sumanth krishna said...

Hi Venu,
I hope you get my mail-id from blogger profile. Anyways it is (tosumanthkrishna AT GMAIL DOT COM)

kalimulla said...

Hello sumanth ji how r u . i want know about the institute where RoR can be learn in Hyderabad.please inform me the details and tell me how you have learned it from institute or by own. Give me reply soon sir.............

Demon said...

Regular expression is really wonderful to parsing HTML or matching pattern. I use this a lot when i code. Actually when I learn any new langauge, first of all I first try whether it supports regex or not. I feel ezee when I found that.

Here is about ruby regex. This was posted by me when I first learn ruby regex. So it will be helpfull for New coders.