Friday, December 7

Ruby on Rails - What is Ruby?

So, I am not just going to stop by providing the Ruby on Rails course structure.
I am here to start sharing the concepts what I understood about Ruby on Rails.
A gentle disclaimer, Nobody is perfect and in my attempt to become close to perfection I relied on world wide web to learn better and to understand the concepts clearly.

So let's start today with Introduction topic and discuss more on What is Ruby? If you are in hurry you can download What is Ruby?

Initially Some History about Ruby:

The language was created by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, who started working on Ruby on February 24, 1993, and released it to the public in 1995. "Ruby" was named as a gemstone because of a joke within Matsumoto's circle of friends alluding to Perl's name.

Some useful links that come handy when you are going through the course material:

Scripting Language :

Compiled Language :

Compilers :

Interpreters :

Object Oriented Programming :

Jargon to watch out:
Ruby, Interpreters, Compilers, Scripting Language, Compiled Language, Mixins, Operating System, Unix, Linux, Modules, Closures, Threads, Exceptions, Garbage Collectors,

Download the detailed Ruby on Rails Course contents.

Reach me @ tosumanthkrishnaATgmailDOTcom for more discussions.

Ruby is "an interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming".

Don’t be alarmed. We will take one by one:

Interpreted Scripting Language:

  • Ability to make operating system calls directly
  • Powerful string operations and regular expressions
  • Immediate feedback during development
  • Ruby programs can be executed from source code.(means to say need not be compiled)
Object Oriented Programming:
  • Everything is an object
  • Classes, inheritance, methods, etc.
  • Singleton methods
  • Mixin by module
  • Iterators and closures


  • Runs on many different operating systems.
  • Windows 95 through XP, Linux, UNIX...

Simple and Fast:

  • Variable declarations are unnecessary (remember: everything is an object... including primitives)
  • Variables are not typed
  • Syntax is simple and consistent (like you are expressing something)
  • Automatic memory allocation and garbage collection


  • Exception processing model
  • Dynamic loading
  • Threads

Download the detailed Ruby on Rails Course contents.

Download What is Ruby?

Reach me @ tosumanthkrishnaATgmailDOTcom for more discussions/tips/suggestions.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sumanth:

The passion with which you write about Ruby and related technologies is really commedable.

Keep up the good job.

Saifi Khan.


Anonymous said...

The course structure looks good. But you need to split Ruby and Rails sections into two separate course structures.

sumanth krishna said...

Hi Jayson,
Thanks for stopping by!
The course structure is organized to ease the programmers and freshers in particular.
It's like "Enough Ruby", that is required to understand "Rails framework" and able to work on Web based project using this "MVC famed rails" :)

Please take look on my other posts, u'r insights/comments will be of great help for the general audience.
Sumanth Krishna. A