Download the ExamplesArrays
Ruby has Arrays and Hashes to store/collect the objects.
And these objects are accessed using an index.
1. It is an ordered collection of objects.
2. Indexed with integers.
How to create an Array?
Answer is there are three different ways to create an array.
# Way 1 :
a1 = []
# Crosscheck whether we created the array "a1".
puts "a1 is an #{a1.class}"
# Way 2 :
a2 = [1,2,3]
# Crosscheck whether we created the array "a2".
puts "a2 is an #{a2.class}"
# Way 3 :
a3 =
# Crosscheck whether we created the array "a3".
puts "a3 is an #{a3.class}"
# Note:
# --> The array holds the objects within square brackets.
# --> The multiple objects separated with commas.
# --> The array holds different objects (int, float, string...).
# --> Way 1, creates an empty array.
# --> Way 2, creates an array with few objects defined/collected.
# --> Way 3, creates an empty array using ".new" operator/method.
# --> At any point to check whether we created array's or not, we can use ".class".
Well following are the built in methods that we can apply on to arrays.
&, *, +, -, <<, <=> , ==, [], [], []=, abbrev, assoc, at, clear, collect, collect!, compact , compact!, concat , dclone , delete, delete_at, delete_if, each, each_index, empty? , eql?, fetch , fill, first, flatten , flatten!, frozen? , hash include?, index , indexes, indices, initialize_copy , insert, inspect , join, last, length, map , map!, new, nitems , pack , pop, pretty_print, pretty_print_cycle, push , quote, rassoc, reject , reject!, replace, reverse, reverse! , reverse_each , rindex , select, shift, size , slice, slice!, sort , sort!, to_a , to_ary , to_s , to_yaml, transpose, uniq , uniq! , unshift, values_at, yaml_initialize, zip , . Download the ExamplesHashes :
Ruby has Arrays and Hashes to store/collect the objects.
And these objects are accessed using an index.
# How to create an Hash?
# Answer is there are three different ways to create an Hash.
# Way 1 :
h1 = {}
# Crosscheck whether we created the Hash "h1".
puts "h1 is a #{h1.class}"
# Way 2 :
h2 = {
"Object1"=>"First Object",
"Object2"=>"Second Object"
# Crosscheck whether we created the Hash "h2".
puts "h2 is a #{h2.class}"
# Way 3 :
h3 =
# Crosscheck whether we created the Hash "h3".
puts "h3 is a #{h3.class}"
# Note:
# --> The hash hold objects within curly braces.
# --> The Key and Value pair forms an object in Hash.
# --> The multiple objects separated with commas.
# --> The hash holds different data types.
# --> Way 1, creates an empty Hash.
# --> Way 2, creates an Hash with few objects defined/collected.
# --> Way 3, creates an empty Hash using ".new" operator/method.
# --> At any point to check whether we created Hash or not, we can use ".class".
Exercise on Hashes:
==, [], [], []=, clear, default, default=, default_proc, delete, delete_if, each, each_key, each_pair, each_value, empty?, fetch, has_key?, has_value?, include?, index, indexes, indices, initialize_copy, inspect, invert, key?, keys, length, member?, merge, merge!, new, pretty_print , pretty_print_cycle, rehash, reject, reject!, replace, select, shift, size, sort, store, to_a, to_hash, to_s, to_yaml, update, value?, values, values_at, yaml_initialize
Download the ExamplesThe zip file contains examples on Creating Arrays and Hashes, Methods implemented on arrays.
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